Computer Knowledge. Gadget. Anime. Design. Dance. Hong Kong Life. Stuff like that.


Almost forgot that I have a Flash2Advance card

Ever since I purchase SuperCard, I started to forget that I have a Flash2Advance 256Mbit FlashCard. This make sense since the SuperCard is much easier to use. However, there are advantages of using Flash2Advance that keep me from selling the card and even the GBA SP (as Flash2Advance card needs a GBA SP to transfer file).

- Flash2Advance card has zero slowdown problem.
- Games that has problem with SuperCard usually have no problem with Flash2Advance Flash card.

There is a new version of F2A PowerWriter released (and DON'T use F2A USB Writer since this is for another physical device), and I will going to try it out tonight.


Screw tinypic

Screw tinypic for bad listed Hong Kong! Fortunately there's tons of other free photo hosting site in this world:

- ImageHosting
- (A list of other image hosting)


Using Vista Beta for more than 30 days

Vista Beta has 30 days limitation unless you register and activate the product. Unfortunately, some of you may experience problem getting network working for Vista Beta, thus cannot activate Vista. The following are forums and related solutions:

- Discussion about the issue.


OpenCanvas 4.06E Plus seems to have not much difference from 3.03

I was trying out openCanvas 4.06E Plus, and found it has not much difference from 3.03. So I am going to stick with 3.03 at least for a while.

Free video lecture

Here's a mainland China site for you to learn more about Flash 2004, Dreamweaver and so on by watching video.


Nice digital graphic design illustruction site

Here's two nice graphic design tidbit instruction that caught my attention:

- Use Illustrator 10 to draw nice shiny car wheel

- Adding brush on a girl's face using Illustrator gradient

- Illustrator technique on creating painting look alike scene

- Awesome example about making 3D looking OSX like icons.

- Use Illustrator 10 to creating clothing pattern.


Making backup of NDS Game Saving

I am following the instruction I found online to make NDS save game backup. Through out the process I need to creating some GBA Rom and save file as the shadow files to save NDS saving. I found that making these files can also be tricky. So here I document the one that I successfully created:

- Use ROM "0005 - Mr Driller 2 (J).gba"
- Under Supercard - 2.41 application, convert the ROM, but make sure that the following setting was being checked: Enable Save, Enable saver Patch, Enable Restart
- Now you can copy those ROM to the CF card.


Strange system hang up ... Wonder why ....

EVer since I brought this whole NDS thing, I experienced twice system hanging, meaning that the system just hang while in the middle of the game. One time it hanged when I started Electroplankton., It hanged at the startup screen. (Nintendo is the bootup game) Another time it was hanged when I was playing J version of Wario touch. I completed the first level, and it was hanged at the saving screen. Fortunately the game was saved though.

Here's my observation:
- Hanging never happened when playing original games (Nintendo and Feel the Magic XX & XY)
- Never hanged on GBA games so far (but maybe it's because I RARELY play GBA games from SuperCard on Nintendo DS.

Guess I have to keep documenting the problem until the mystery solved one day.

Freaking expansive game priced in Hong Kong comparing with US

I was kind of pissed when I realized that the Nitendo DS game, Feel the Magic XY XX, was priced much higher in Hong KOng than in US. In Hong Kong, it was usally sold at HK$220. I finally found a store selling it at HK$190 and then brought. When I got home, I serach and found that the game was just HK$19.99 in US. I mean, WHAT THE ****. That's HK$16x !! There's a reason why a lot of people playing priate games in HK! Pissed.


Battery Life for Nintendo DS with SuperCard : 3 hours 50 minutes

Another proves that SuperCard is a battery sucker. A full charged Nitnendo DS with SuperCard and ran for 3 hours and 53 minutes. Period.

Power saving mode on NIntendo DS - Awesome

I just found out that as long as I use original software, I can keep the Nintendo DS in power saving mode for a whole day. The power saving model (by closing the cover) keeps a Nintendo DS running for a whole day and still able to bring up whatever instance I left off when I open the cover again.


Homebrew Nintendo DS Software, and more

Here's two sites that contains information about Homebrew Nintendo DS Software, and all the tech about NDS:




Power saving mode not working for SuperCard

My journey continues with my NIntendo DS and Nintendog. I figured out this morning something about Power Saving mode. As you may already know, closing the cover of Nintendo DS will render the NDS into power saving mode, which the screen will be turned off.

Such mode worked great on original DS game software like Nintendog. In fact, as a test, I turned on Nintendog this morning at around 9:00 am, played a few minutes and then close the cover. It's now 1:06 pm, and when I opened the cover, the Nintendog was still working fine. I will continue leaving it in such power saving mode and see if it can survive until tonight.

However, it works with SuperCard only to a point. For instance, this morning I have Wario Touch loaded, and then close the cover. Within an hour, the machine turned off itself.

Finally I got my Nintendo DS!!

After oh all much struggling, I finally got my Nintendo DS, and my first 4 hours of messing with it was very positive an experience. I also perform seemingly horrible stunt with it, which I hightly recommanded you NOT to do so. I am going to disclose all these right here.

First, buying the console. It was HK$970, which was a pretty OK price, but I thought I should get cheaper because I brought the gray market version (even though it claims that there's a 18 month warrently). This gear is meant for Japanese use only, and has a 110V adapter. This is actually fine with me because I need a 110V adapter for use when I get back to US anyway.

The whole reason I was willing to settle with a gray market version was because I want to use PassMe to play games on my SuperCard. And at least in Hong Kong, the offical NDS has long gone the batch of console that works with PassMe. Sure there are a rumor that a universal PassME will be release at the end of Oct, but I was not sure if it's just a rumor or lot, thus trying to make sure that I got a version of console that works.

So here what I purchased:
- NDS Console : HK$970
- Screen Protector: HK$70
- NintenDog, US version: HK$240
- PassMe: HK$130

After I got my console, I instantly went to McDonald, sat there and test out the machine for 30 minutes. Everything works as expected. Games on SuperCard worked, my NintenDog worked. NintenDog save game worked OK. The touchscreen worked great. No dead pixels and stuff. Microphone, which NintenDog, worked great. All was well.

And then this morning I woke up at 5:15 am. Yeah, like a kid after on a boxing day morning. HOnestly I was not woke up because the urge to play Nintendo DS. It just happened that I woke up. So what better I should do :-D

Then, a tiny sign of problem: I started Electroplankton from my SuperCArd, and after the main screen showed up, I briefly toggled the headphone/speaker setting by touching on the screen when suddenly the screen freeze. In a slight panic, I turned off the machine, and turned it on again. Everything seemed to back to normal after then, and I cannot replicate the problem again.

Then, a second brave and scary moment: I sort of read about the saving trick about NDS, and it seems to imply that I can remove PassMe during the middle of game session. That sort of made sense to me since the PassMe trick is for redirectly memory access from NDS card to GBA Cartidge. So while in the middle of Wario Touch (which I loaded from SuperCard), I pulled out PassMe. Instantly the console was turned off. Being puzzled, I put back the SuperCard and turned on the machine again. The machine was on normal, and I can start the WarioTouch form SuperCArd again, but here' the scary part: when I close the lid of the console, instead of going back to the regular quite SAVE mode, it started making beep beep beep sound, and by slightly opening the cover, I could see that the two screen were BLINKING with a pure white screen! NOT GOOD. Well, I tried running NintenDog, and found that closing the lid still bring the NintenDog to quite SAFE code. But when I put back the PassMe and loaded Wario Touch, SAFE mode with cover closed still creating beeping noise. I forgot exactly how I solved the problem, but it was kind of like bootup SuperCard with NO PassMe, play a while GBA games, turn off the machine, plug in PassMe. And now the bleeping thing was finally gone. Woooop. Scary.

Through this process, I found that:
- SuperCard with NDS games supports Sleep mode.
- NDS game carts supports Sleep mode.
- All GBA GAmes (even with SuperCArd) DOES NO support sleep mode.

My next quest will be trying to see how far the sleep mode can preserve the state of the machine. I have it charge while still having Wario Touch in sleep mode. We'll see.


OTG BIdriectional harddisk case: I still haven't found what I am looking for

I saw a OTG harddisk case which the store claimed to be supporting bidirectional copy (from memory card to Harddisk, and also from harddisk to memory card). The problem is that I cannot find any information about that case online, and my policy is that I will not buy anything that DOES NOT have information. Also I found the device at two stores. One store (at Golden Shopping Center, 62A Basement Floor) selling this "Motion DC Partner" for $330, and calim that it support bidirectional. But another store which sell it at $350 claimed that the device DOES NOT support bidirectioanl copy. However, that same salesman also claimed that bidirectional copy didn't even exist in the market, which totally destory his credibility of anything coming out of his mouth.

In fact, I am not sure what name the device is. Even though the sticker next the device on both store's shopping window says something like "Motion DC Partner" and "GA2400 Digital Partner", I didn't see any of those words on the device itself.

Well, I can always wait. I rather get a working device than being a testing object myself.

My new favorite offensive American Animation show

First there was South Park, and then Family Guy, and now here comes my new favorite offensive American animation show: Drawn Together. If you missed the first season, search and bt it.


Quest to find compatible Nintendo DS

Based on the information I collected today, it seems like it's gonna be VERY HARD to find new Nintendo DS that works with the PassMe or SuperPass card. One store recommanded me to buy those with 18 months warrenty, but I heard that those are actually gray market NDS.

That was also a rumor that a PsssMe or SuperPass card that works with newer hardware will soon be released. But I still think it maybe better for me to go ahead and get the NDS console right away. The price seems to be in the range of HK$960 - HK$980, which seems reasonable to me.

Also, there was a rumor saying the SD card version of SuperCard is FASTER than the CF card. Well, I wonder.

Another mainland China web site about Flashcard for NDS:

Here's more info about what NDS does NOT work with the current version of PassMe Technology.

And here's a interesting SuperCard review written by a British web site.

OK, yet another SuperPass English review. Good stuff.


Another mainland China Nintendo DS site this is.

Lots of information there, including Japanese Magazine except, ROMs, and stuff. Seems like NDS SuperPass user's heaven.

More info about SuperPass

I read more information about SuperPass:

- Some claimed that using SuperPass may damage your Nintendo DS.
- SuperPass, as of now, only support Nitendo DS console that has serial number not greater than 12xxxxxx .
- There are still problem saving games. The manufacturer is working on way to save the save game back to the CF card, and seems like it has some good progress. But the bottom line is that it's not working yet.
- The SuperPass is supposed to be selling at $99, but seems that stores forcing you to buy it with SuperCard. This doesn't make sense to me since I already have a SuperCard CF.
- There is a store at Golden called GT selling the SuperCard with SuperPass bundle at HK$390.
- Some one sells SuperCard with the following price:
CF 版 WITH SUPERPASS -------------$390
SD 版 WITH SUPERPASS -------------$430

By the way, I found a forum called "香港討論區 » Nintendo DS" which has some interesting Nintendo DS dicussion. By keep in mind that they are against pirating Nintendo DS Roms.

Place to buy HipHop clothing

I was heard that the best place to buy Hip Hop Clothing in Hong Kong is going to 晾華中心 at Mong Kok.

Looking for a good Pocket PC Bible

I am still looking for a good Bible PC bible. I was using one called BibleReader CE3.0 but I have problem seraching Chinese text in Traditional Chinese bible. And then I tried something called e-sword. I didn't like that one neither because:

- I have problem uninstalling it. (And I hate it when I cannot uninstall something.
- It has serious linefeed problem. I have to horizontal scroll thru in order to reading a verse. Very very unfriendly.

So, once again. Serach Continues.


Time to update my SuperCard

Even though I haven't brought any SuperPass Key yet, it maybe a good thing to start upgrading the firmware and convertion application for my SuperCard. After all, this could make going to the store testing the SuperPass Key much easier, and it seems like all these are backward compatibile with the old SuperCard anyway.

Here's a list of stuff that I probably need to download and apply:
- SuperCard Software v.2.41
- SuperCard Kernel Software 1.50
- GBA Game Patch Date (2005.7.14 Update)

They are all avilable at . Make sure you download the CF CArd version.

P.S. Here's the info about what PassMe really is.

Playing Nintendo DS Roms

The Nintendo DS Rom scene is getting more and more funky.

First there is this tool with data that constantly update for vaildating the NDS Rom.

Then, there's this torrent that contain tons and tons of ROMs.

And then, the SuperCard that I have provides support to run NDS Roms as long as I buy the SuperPass Key thing. The problem is that:
(1) I don't know where to buy SuperPass Key in Hong Kong.
(2) Some NDS console does NOT support SuperPass key, and it seems to be those consoles that are newly released. Fortunately, I haven't brought my NDS console yet, and I can always buy both NDS and SuperPass key at the same time.

For now, though, I guess I can just wait and see. I have so many things to do anyway, and it's probably a bad idea to carry another gadget on my heavy bag. Nevertheless, it's great that NDS can be as fun a platform as PSP. And I am looking forward to read more about Super Nintento support on NDS. This could be even more exciting (as least to me) than the ROM thing.

There are also quite a few of those NDS pass card thing:
(1) SuperPass Key
(2) G6
Each card has it's won supported. GUess it's better to read more at before making any purchase decision.

More than five ROMs were posted at China GBA web site.

P.S. : Here's a Hong Kong discussion group about Nintendo DS. Nope, it mentions nothing about playing ROM on NDS. Just a general discussion group about NDS, about what's hot and what's not.

A lot of Xvid and Dvix video not playable by BetaPlayer

It's been more than 2 months after I got Dell x50v Pocket PC. So far the experience was pretty positive, and I wasn't regret about my purchase. Among all the activites I frequently perform with PPC, watching movie is probably the most common one. The fact that I could watch Divx and Xvid video without going through the video conversion percess, as a procedure which is oh so familar among PSP Movie watcher, makes PPC with a big solid-state memory card such a compelling mobile movie watching solution. And the ability for BetaPlayer play such large vararity of video format doesn't hurt neither.

Yet, after my initaial hype died down, I started to realize that there are still indeed a lot my xvid and divx files that cannot be played properly on my PPC. For instance, I yanked out a DVD of animation video that I downloaded from the Net more than a year ago, and found that some of the videos, like Tokyo_Godfathers.DVD(AC3-5.1), couldn't be played on my PPC using TCPMP (new name for BetaPlayer). Now I won't mind if the these Xvid files were converted reasonable, which the new codec may not be supported by TCPMP yet. But for videos that encoded more than a year ago, there seems to be less excuse for not having a appropriate codec.

Oh well, I probably cannot complain much since the TCPMP player is free. Still, one can always wish or dream about better support on freeware, right? :-S


New VMWare Workstation Beta (5.5)

New VMWare Beta (5.5) has been released. I wonder if it has better support on Longhorn beta. Anyway, here's the link to download the Windows version, the VMWare Processor checking, and VMWare Virtual Machine importer.

Three free ebook when registrering Visual C# 2005 Beta 2

I just found out that you can get (one of) three free ebook when registrering Visual C# 2005 Beta 2:

However, I already registered before. Because I don't have how to re-register again, I have to reinstall VC# 2005 Beta 2 and then go thru the registraiton.

You may also try this link to save your time from reinstalling.

Nice Guitra Chord Reference for Pocket PC

Here's a mice Nice Guitra Chord Reference for Pocket PC:
Pocket GuitarRef 2005

Finding Pocket PC based music software

I was trying to find the following music realted software for my Pocket PC:
- a virtual Piano for playing tunes
- a sequencer for trying out song idea
- a note writer for learning how to write melody by notes
- a metronome

For Virtual Piano, I HAVE NOT found anyone that works with my DEll x50v well, so the serach is still going on.

For Sequencer, the best I found was one called Phoenix Studio 1.1. Not only is comparatively easy to use, but create GREAT sound. Highly recommanded! You can download the demo version here.

For Note Writer (like Finale), I found MidNote the best. My only complain is that I have to turn the Application Sound to ON at "Sounds & Notification" setting or otherwise the app will stay slience. I tend to trun that setting to OFF, so to me it's an extra step. But other than that it's all good.

Finally, for metronome, I found Beats Metronome pretty OK. It's free, and also require turning on the Application Sound to ON, but it does do the job to a point.

I may do more reserach later, but in case you are interest in finding Music realted software for Pocket PC, here's some link you can take a look:

- - The best Pocket PC site.
- - Music software collection for Pocket PC.
- - List of a of music shareware for Pocket PC.

Complain about crappy Hong Kong Television shows at ease

Here's where you can file you complain about Hong Kong Television program, in case there's something you hate TVB besides the Snow White crap at the Hong Kong DisneyLand opening:


Power Supply of my home PC: It has noisy for two days; now it's not

Something funny with the Power Supply of my home PC. It was noisy for the last 2 two days with some clinking sound kept coming from the fan part of the power supply, as if some metalic thing got stuck and clash with the fan all the time. I was very close from going to computer store preparing to shell out HK$400 to buy a new 450W power supply in order to avoid the annoying sound. But the morning I woke up and found that the noise was gone. It was reasonable quite as usual. Now I am like confused, wondering what was going on in the last two days.


Finally happened: Device to play pirated Nintendo DS games

It's just the matter of time before a device released to play pirated Nintendo DS game. Why, because history always repeats itself. First there's game doctor for GameBoy, then GameBoy color, and then GameBoy Advance. The recent hecked portable gaming device is PSP. And now it's Nintendo DS turn.

So for now, very few pirated DS games was released. For instance, there are two released at a mainland China web site. It's very likely that more of the games will be released soon. There's another site posting the release of the Roms, but 404 error was returned when you try to download them.

As for the device, it's a two part solution. First you need a supercard, and it seems like the plain old GBA SP super card will work. Second you need something called SuperPass. Finally you need a original game cart to boot the thing up.

The solution is not perfect yet, but it will only get better as time goes by. For more information, check out these sites:
- Some called M3 Movie PLayer card that seems to support playing DS roms.
- About different passkey card.
- About GBALink2


Extensis Portfoluo - Same old tool, but no other replacement

Don't get me wrong. I really like Extensis Portfolio 7, and the latest version seems to be pretty stable. But I have some serious problem with the slow scanning time. It took more than several hours (sometimes a whole darn day!) to catalog a DVD of photos. On the bright side, I see much less application crash during the catalog process.