Computer Knowledge. Gadget. Anime. Design. Dance. Hong Kong Life. Stuff like that.


Nintendo GBASP/DS Video & MP3 player is on sale now in Japan:

I need to see the quality of the video playback in order to judge whether's worth buying. HK$500 for such a device is nice but not great.


Best Freeware, Link ... and so on

Happy Chinese New Year!

My cousin was asking me the best download online (he's sitting next to me now). So here's list of all the essential download online:

(1) Firefox - The best browser in this world!

(2) Mini Lyric - Automtically download and display lyrics for songs. Great companion for mp3 players like winamp. Now you can learn English from reading lyrics. Unfortunately, not many Chinese lyrics are available online.

(3) AVG Antivirus Free Edition. Free and super powerful antivrius software. Even better than paid ones like Norton.

(4) Spybot - Serach and Destory 1.3 : The best free spyware removal application.

(5) HiJack This - Power and dangerous spyware removal tool. Need lots of knowledge to use it safely.

(6) Thunderbird 1.0 - Awesome open source Mail and News reader.

(7) eXeem - Better than BT. A p2P tool.
Enough said. Beware that there is one spyware in the app, even though that one seems to be harmless.

(8) Some important newsgroup servers:
- (b.comics, e.anime ...)

(9) WinBar - A nice little tool to display system resources

(10) Zone Alarm Free version - A great software firewall

(11) Awesome Comics download



I wandered around the Net to find ways to download some old TV shows. I came across this btchina thing, and found that at least part of the links are active. One thing I didn’t quite understand , though, was that the site was not visible under FireFox. I have to use IE to view it.

BTW, this is the top level of all BtChina link.

Wasted 4 hours on something meaningless

I started a quest of doing something stupid last night. It wasted me more than 4 hours, and yielded no result so far. Yet I may probably to do that again sometime soon.

I was trying to download the videos of an old TVB drama “陸小鳳之鳳舞九天(萬梓良版)”.

The task itself seems to be pretty meaningless, as the VCD version of the TVB drama itself has not been officially released. Yet I saw a few sites mentioned the availability of .rm version , and that all 40 episodes was once on some bt site. So I based on the “if it’s on the Net, it can be found somehow” theory, spent 4+ hours digging around, and yet I couldn’t find an outlet to download the files. Finally, I gave up, and convinced myself that “the quality of video shouldn’t be too good anyway” kind of lame excuse to convince myself to give up.

Interestingly, I was actually not too crazy about the drama itself. I enjoyed watching the drama when was young, but that wasn’t enough a reason to justify wasting 4+ hours on it. I guess it all boils down to my stupid dedication attitude once I have my target locked on something.