Computer Knowledge. Gadget. Anime. Design. Dance. Hong Kong Life. Stuff like that.


How to allow my Windows Media Center 7 to delete the podcast hosting on another Windows 7 box

I finally spent sometime today to reorganize my Podcast directories so that I can watch the content from multiple places, as now all files are organized properly in proper directory structure.  I couldn't access the right files I want because I relied on iTune to organize them, and I hate how it constrained me to watch the podcast only on my MacMini.

But then I experienced a strange problem: I couldn't delete the file I watched.  After messing around with the file system on the file hosting Windows 7 machine.  I found out that I can solve the problem by:

  • Select the "podcast" directory.  right click and select property.
  • Select Security tab
  • Add "Everyone" in "Group or user names" box.
  • In Permissions for "everyone", check all the check boxes.
  • click "Apply"
Problem solved.


Video editing on Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 for Windows

Last time I used both Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and After Effect CS5 to edit a presentation for work.  The result was kind of a disaster mostly because I cannot preview audio while cutting video in After Effect CS5.  So this time I used ONLY Premiere Pro CS5.  The editing experience was so much better.  Granted I didn't put in a lot of effects, but the result was pretty OK.

The one thing that disappointed me was the movie rendering.  First I didn't realize that there's no "make movie" menu item, and instead  I get the result by EXPORTING the video.  Second, I found the Windows Media export gave me juggling shitting result.  I finally choose H.264, change the resolution to 1000 x 7xx , and the result was pretty OK, and the size was just around 200Mb, which is accaptable.


Suprising performance boast on EeePC

The shitty XP system on my Asus EeePC 900 was slow to a point that I couldn't take it anymore. So a few days ago I wipe the whole thing up and installed Windows 7 Ultimate edition. Notice that I didn't put any other software in it expect the plain jane Windows 7. The result? The machine is now totally responsive. This is pretty amazing consider that my EeePC only has 1Gb of memory in it. As a download and file server machine, I think it's enough for the EeePC to keep me happy for a while.


Sigh, feature VS privacy

Because of all the privacy concern, I was trying to disable third party cookie on Firefox UNTIL I realized that Gmail Manager DOES NOT work unless I enable third party cookie. Sigh, feature vs privacy.