Awesome, a bootable Acronis TrueImage
I was a bit fustrated by the fact that I couldn't use TrueImage in my Asus Eee PC 900 to backup the bootup partition after I installed some stuff . I don't know what messing things up, as I used to be able to do that.
Out of fustration, I start reseraching on how create a bootable Flash drive using my SD Card thumbdrive enclosure. And man I finally got it working!
Here's what I use:
- Acronis TrueImage 10
- A SD Card Thumbdrive enclosure with a Toshiba 128Mb SD card (finally find a way to use it :-D )
- Get the "FAT32 125MB Image USB-HDD Format -- Based on PEtoUSB" file from the place.
- Following the instruction by renaming the file extension to .tlb
- Use Acronis TrueImage 10 to restore to .tlb image to the 128Mb thumb drive.
- reboot.
- Go to Disk Manager to provide this thumbdrive a drive letter (the drive letter gone in my case, and so I have to attach one)
- Use TrueImage 10 rebootable media maker to fill the drive with proper files.
- Now boot your EeePC, but press F2 to get to the boot pirority screen.
- In BIOS, go to "Hard Disk Drives" to set the "USB Generic Drive" as 1st Drive.
- Set that "USB Generic Drive" as the first boot media.
- Reboot. Now you should got boot to this little thumbdrive.
- Use TrueImage 10 to do your backup as usual.
- Once done, reboot go back to BIOS, and change the Harddisk back to the SSD. And the rest ... you know.
- Done.