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Awesome, a bootable Acronis TrueImage

I was a bit fustrated by the fact that I couldn't use TrueImage in my Asus Eee PC 900 to backup the bootup partition after I installed some stuff . I don't know what messing things up, as I used to be able to do that.

Out of fustration, I start reseraching on how create a bootable Flash drive using my SD Card thumbdrive enclosure. And man I finally got it working!

Here's what I use:
  • Acronis TrueImage 10
  • A SD Card Thumbdrive enclosure with a Toshiba 128Mb SD card (finally find a way to use it :-D )
Here's the steps on my Eee PC 900:

  1. Get the "FAT32 125MB Image USB-HDD Format -- Based on PEtoUSB" file from the place.
  2. Following the instruction by renaming the file extension to .tlb
  3. Use Acronis TrueImage 10 to restore to .tlb image to the 128Mb thumb drive.
  4. reboot.
  5. Go to Disk Manager to provide this thumbdrive a drive letter (the drive letter gone in my case, and so I have to attach one)
  6. Use TrueImage 10 rebootable media maker to fill the drive with proper files.
  7. Now boot your EeePC, but press F2 to get to the boot pirority screen.
  8. In BIOS, go to "Hard Disk Drives" to set the "USB Generic Drive" as 1st Drive.
  9. Set that "USB Generic Drive" as the first boot media.
  10. Reboot. Now you should got boot to this little thumbdrive.
  11. Use TrueImage 10 to do your backup as usual.
  12. Once done, reboot go back to BIOS, and change the Harddisk back to the SSD. And the rest ... you know.
  13. Done.
Sweet. My next experiment would be trying to find a way to boot from a 4Gb SDHC Card.


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