Converting and playing video on Nokia 5300
Until now I always use WinAVI MP4 (Mobile) Converter to convert video for watching on my Nokia 5300. However, I constantly experiencing video lagging and audio out of sync problem.
Today, after reading this message, plus hours of study I finally figure out problems and solutions with video conversion and play back on Nokia 5300.
First of all, you need to download and install SUPER to do the video conversion. And then you need to use the following setting when converting video:
Output Container: 3gp (Nokia/NEC/Siemens)
Output Video Codec: H.263
Output Audio Codec: AAC
Video Settings:
Scale Size: 176:144
Aspect: 4:3
Frame/Sec: 15
Bitrate kpbs: 85
Options: Hi Quality
Audio Settings:
Sampling Freq: 44100
Channels: 2
Bitrate kpbs: 192
Some Tidbit on version:
- The conversion app seems to treat Traditioanl Chiense filename OK, but have problem dealing with some Japanese music video file, and I kind of suspect that it's because of the Japanese name.
- Bitrate kpbs: 96 doesn't work with the Simpsons video that I tried to convert. So I will stick to 85 to aviod wasting time converting.
- SUPER seems to automatically remember all the setting I did the last time. This is good, for it would be suck to reset up everything every time.
- If you experience lagging on video, you can try REBOOTING (that's right, shutdown and start up again) your phone. I have problem resolved a lot of times after reboot.
- After pausing a video and then resume again, you may experience audio out of sync. Try pressing prev button to rewind the video a bit and the audio sync problem will be resolved.
- I don't really need 192K bit rate for audio, but since the file size is about the same, and doesn't affect video play back and quality at all ... then, why not.