Computer Knowledge. Gadget. Anime. Design. Dance. Hong Kong Life. Stuff like that.


Feeling kind of strange this morning. It��s not like I am tire or something.  In fact I slept pretty well last night, and consider myself well awake now.  But the fact that I didn��t get anytime to do my personal stuff during the weekend made to feel like something is missing in me.  I said this a few times but I have to say it again: somehow this madness of business has to be stopped.
I am starting to get interested in using open source application on Windows.  While I am still not ready to do the Quantum lap to use open source OS like Linux, using Open Source application can be a good start to get myself into not relying on expansive commercial software. I downloaded and planned to use GIMP and OpenOffice in work place.  Let��s see how much I can do my job with them instead of the Microsoft count part products.
The entire minor problem that I didn��t pay too much attention during dance practice started showing up while I was practicing the performance piece, which will be performed on June 12 2004. Yeah, man.  That��s less than two weeks to go.  Chow sir was not very happy about my lousy memory and the fact that I sort of changing steps very once in a while.  That, again, has a lot to do with my lousy memory.  :-S  Sigh.  


Sleepy .... Frankly, I didn't recall myself waking up without feeling sleepy. Anyway, it's Monday morning, the beginning of UAT Cycle 3 for the project I work on. So I am looking forward to have some major disaster later today.

I am a bit worry about being overworked. With band practice on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and dance practice on Wednesday and Sunday (and probably more practice as the performance approaching), there's similar no time for me to work on other stuffs. In fact, I somehow blame my hair loss these days for all the stress and overloaded body.

On the bright side, the busy lifestyle keeps me away from bad habits. So you see that there are always two sides of a coin.

Thanks to BitTorrent, I watched quite some American TV programs that I used to watch when I was in US, including "Kill of the Hill", "Saturday Night Live" and "SouthPark". I also discovered a few cool new TV shows, like "Penn and Teller: BullShit". Internet really rocks.