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Choosing between M6500 and M6600

When my boss asked me to choose between the DELL 6500 and M6600 laptop, I actually thought of keeping the M6500 because I liked the screen size and aspect ratio.  After some testing, though, I found out that M6600 was really superior in several areas:

  • Ease of memory upgrade
    When grading memory, M6500 forces you to first fill up the main memory slot, which is at the back of the laptop, easy to access.  The secondary or additional memory is actually hiding under the keyboard, which you need to first yank out the hinge, and then yang out the keyboard and such.  To me this doesn't make sense since I think the primary set of memory should stay on most of the time, and later when you need to upgrade, you use the easy to access slots at the back.  M6600 follows my mind set, and makes it very easy to add additional memory at the back of the laptop.
  • M6600 supports 3 monitors (including the internal screen).  M6500 can only support 2 monitors at any given moment.
  • M6600 has higher GPU and CPU processing power.
So I am keeping the M6600.