Computer Knowledge. Gadget. Anime. Design. Dance. Hong Kong Life. Stuff like that.


Resolve **cked up VMWare "Virtual machine is already in the inventory" problem

I got this freaking VMWare "Virtual machine is already in the inventory" Problem.


Go to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Server" and delete both "vm-list" and "vm-list-private".


Finally resolved the audio problem with KM Player

I always got fustrated by KMPlayer's audio as the 5.1 source of some of the videos doesn't work well with my stereo speaking. Today I found out the answer.

You either follow the instructions in here, or you can do the following:

  • In KMPlayer, select preference.
  • Select the node: Filter Control - Decoder Usage - External Audio Decoder.
  • Select the button [C] next to the AC3 audio. The AC3 audio window will pop up.
  • In [Main] tab, select "2/0 - stereo" as Output format.
That's all.


Follow up with the WinData DL disc test

Well it seems like the burn was a success. VAlidation was OK on the burner box, and I used it on my office laptop and it was working perfectly. I like my new DVD Burner :-D .


Give WinData DVDR DL another try

Now that I have this new DVD Burner, I am going to give my WinData DVDR DL blanks disc another try. If it failed ... well it was meant to be thrown away anyway :-E .

So I burned a 6Gb ISO with some video files at 2X using Nero 7. It does take a long long time. But the verification seems going fine so far. The burning takes about a full hour.

The verification is done and seems OK. I am going to test it in office.