Computer Knowledge. Gadget. Anime. Design. Dance. Hong Kong Life. Stuff like that.



I just realized that EVDO is available in Houston, and after paying US$99 for the USB based device, you pay US$59.99 per month. The plan looks good, but I don't like signing up 2 years contract. But then if I go out of town a lot, I may change my mind.

1200 fps!!! Casio EXILIM Pro EX-F1

Oh joy, this Casio EXILIM Pro EX-F1 is ... amazing. I don't want to own it, but will pay US$50 a day to mess with it by taking some awesome slowmotion video!


Converting Virtual PC 2007 image to VMWare Server 1.0.5 format

The conversion basically worked pretty well, with tiny glitch that I eventually resolved. Basically all you need is downloading VMware-converter-3.0.2u1-62456.exe (VMWare Converter 3.0.2 starter edition), install it, and then run it.

However, pay special attention that there are a few different version of VMWare format choices available on the menu. At first I didn't pay attention, pay the first one, and found that the VMWare Server 1.0.x didn't support it, so I have to reconvert again. But once it's done, it worked pretty fine. Network was working and such.

One more glitch though: the mouse was a bit crazy after I installed VMWare Tool. I had to use the keyboard to navigate through the Control Panel, and then eventually get to the hardware page. I deleted the current VMware mouse driver, reboot the VM, re-recognize the mouse driver, and then everything seems to work from there.