Haven't touch the weblog for quite a while, and things are not much improved at the workplace. It's still busy
like hell. But the office drama is getting intensified as UAT Cycle 3 is approaching. The conflict between some
employees and TT is getting more and more obvious. Even I got into the action. I know I have an acid
mouth, but then I spoke directly from my brain, and I have no regret about whatever I said during the meeting.
It was not meant to harm anyone, but trying to voice out whatever had been holding back by each of the
employee's brain. It's about letting the management knows some of the deepest shit in our work environment,
and tired to solve them. Some people thought I was trying to hurt TT and made fun of him. That was not my
intended, honestly. It's just that whenever I was fustrated and trying to make a point, I will express it in some
form of sacastic humor, and some may interpret it as humiliate the others. That's sad.
I haven't wrote any new song for while. Work drained most of my energy away, left me a zombie brain when
I got home. There were a few days when I tried to do some arrangement, but I just couldn't do it.
On the other hand, I continue keeping the habit of doing push up everyday morning. Hopefully this would help
me in the Chinese dance perfromance this coming June 2004.
I am still shopping for the a Harddisk based MP3 player that does not force me to use some Song file
manager. I pretty much gave up on iPod because the limited kind of files that it support. I am pretty much
locked on iRiver, but trying to find the best price among all the possible outlet. Seraching continue ....