Computer Knowledge. Gadget. Anime. Design. Dance. Hong Kong Life. Stuff like that.


I brought another pack of 10 eBlue DVD+R disc a few days ago, and when I used it today, I found that, just like the other eBlue DVDR disc I brought, Nero allowed me to choose 8x. So it seems like the Disc is being recognized as a 8X disc even though it was marked 4x on the package.

After using iRiver iHP-140 for a long while, I finally found some MP3 files that cannot be played (in fact, they hanged my iRiver). I am still investigating what the problem is. Another interesting side note is that those same MP3 files crashed the dbPowerAMP Sound Converter. So something really is fishy here. But then I download and installed dBPower AMP Music Converter release 10, and the application crash went away, so I am not way too concern now.

Found an interesting application that can extract audios from a DVD and encode them in MP3. The applicaiton is called Ace DVD Audio Extractor, and I successfully using it to extract the songs from Anthony Wong Concert 2003 DVD that I brought from mainland China. I glitch was that the "Open DVD" feature didn't work on this DVD. I have to use "Open IFO" and point it to the VTS_01_0.IFO, and then I got a full list of all songs, and I can choose between the Concert sound track and the Karaoke Sound track.

The candles I got from from Vitalias smelled pretty nice. I was using one a few nights ago and was very pleased with it. Hopefully I won't get addicted soon.

I have downloaded and installed NetBeans IDE on the "WindowsXP with SP2 for Screw" VMWare enviornment (in case things got messed up), and found the NetBeans UI kind of simply to use. After I spent some time with VS.Net 2003, I will sure take a look into this NetBeans thing.

WS Security seems to be a hot topic in the Web Service space, and this is probably the best time for me to learn a lot more about this. Since I spent more time on the .Net camp, and since web service is largely about interoperability, I am going to use the MSDN article "WS-Security Interoperability Using WSE 2.0 and Sun JWSDP 1.4" as my first tutorial. Here's the URL:

For some mysterious reason, VMWare seems to be competiting resources with ABC. I have to quit VMware (XP DEvelopment setting) in order to keep ABC away from hanging mode. Very strange indeed.


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