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Free magazines for software developer

You can call me cheap, but when you don't have a permaneant job, every penny saved is a penny gain. And when it comes developer magazine, since I always got free subscription when I was in US, the concept of BUYING software development magazine is simply too alien to me. Fortunately, in digital age, I can continue enjoy the benefit of those free subscription that I used to had. Here's some examples:

To get a subscrption of free LinuxWorld digital edition , just fill-up the form at

To get a subscrption of free Java Developer Journal digital edition, just fill-up the form at

To download the MX Developer Journal, you can hack the following URL: is the Nov 2003 issue. issue-531 is the Oct 2004 issue. Go figure.

To download WebServices Journal, go to , following the links, and
use the password: wsj2004 or xmlj2004

To download .Net System Journal, go to, following the links,
and use the password: dndj2004


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