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I think I am going to start a computer technology web site for dancers. That's right. Dancers. I happened to be a amateur dancer and a IT professional, and after being asked tons are dance related computer questions, I feel like there's a need to help dancers to embrace technology along with their artistic and creative journey. Tell me what you think about it :->

For instance, there are times that you need watch a dance videos and learn the steps from it, but you find that the steps are too complicate or being done too fast. The video player that comes with your PC, Windows Media Player, does NOT support slow motion playback. Even the new Windows Media Player 9 cannot play back MPEG file (a video format that VCD uses) in slow motion.

Solution? There are 2 ways to play back a VCD dance video in slow motion (or fast motion, even though I don't know why you want to do so). You can buy a software called CyberLink PowerDVD. You can use it play VCD and you can choose half speed playback or even frame by frame playback.

The second solution is probably the one you want to here, because it's FREE :-} . There's a software called JetAudio, which is a media player like the Windows Media Player. It support playing back MPEG (VCD) in various speed, from 50%(half speed or slow motion) to 200% (twice the speed), and the funniest is that the software actually smoothly adjust the audio so that you can still hear the slowed down music while the video is playing at half speed! I rarely seen this kind of feature in media players. So can download the this jetAudio 5.1.10 Basic at .


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