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Automatically detect and update BPM of your mp3s

I had a need to do some animation effect on the top of an audio track, and I search around to find a free application that allows me to detect bit per minute (BPM) of a song. As it turns out not only I found a software that does exactly what I want, but it's also free, and does more than I expected.

The software is called BPM Analyzer. To use it simply drag and drop all your MP3 files in it. You can even drop folder and the application will automatically scan all the mp3 files in it. It then detects the BPM, and SAVE the result in the ID3 Tag in your mp3 file.

Now that I have the BPM value of songs, I can create smart playlist that automatically plays all the fast songs for me! Totally awesome I have to say.


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