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No, even for a $99 Nintendo DS Lite

I was seriously considered getting Nintendo DS Lite since it's on sales today for $99, but after some serious considerable, I decided to pass for several reason:

  • Avoid the pitfall of buy something just because it's cheaper: Nintendo DSi, although is more expansive, is superior on all aspects (bigger screen, brighter, lighter, have features that DSL does not have). History tells me that I will always regret if I buy something inferior given that I have a choice to buy a superior product.
  • It's not a huge saving when comparing with buying the product online with sales tax.
  • I have HAVE TO have it right now since I have workable alternative. My Nintendo DS is still working fine. Not awesome, but fine.
  • I don't carry it outside my room. I could, but I almost never did.
  • I rarely play it. I only play it when I am at least and in the restroom.
  • Apple iPod Touch becomes so much better a mobile gaming platform. In fact, for places that has WiFi, it becomes my EVERYTHING. Pretty powerful and .. scary ... if I were Nintendo :-D .
So ... maybe I'll get a DSi when the price drop to US$129 :-E .


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