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Continue Street testing LK-A6

Continue Testing the Look LK-A6:

- I am pretty confirmed that my old set of 1600mAh rechargeable battery is not good. The new GP chrager recognized those battery as "broken or invaild". And I am kind of believe that it was my crappy old charger that messed up the battery. **&^%&*ing chrager.

- Look LK-A6 as some minor gotcha, but overall it works pretty OK. And with my new set of GP 2500mAh rechargable battery, I could make many Giga bytes of data transfer and the battery was still going strong.

- Overwrite doesn't seem to work too well. It generates a duplicated folder. Very scary. Next time I will for empty a folder before rewriting files.

- It seems like copy a lot of small files is much faster than copy several huge files, even when both set of files are in the same size. Really don't know why.


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2:38 PM


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