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Another 2 reason of not running Windows 7

Two more things that irritated me at work when running Windows 7

  • iTune Blue :

    I was running iTune on my Windows 7 Release Candidate Lenovo X60T laptop, and I had problem syncing my iPod Touch with my PC on a iTune library living in my removable harddisk which I bring it from place to place.

    First the iTune was bitching about not having access to that folder, so I have to go to Windows directory, and give my login account all the previlege to access that folder. And now it is bitch about me not have previledge to sync my application. I was like what the f. So finally I ran iTune on administrator mode. And finally everything working fine. What the f again.

  • SQL Server 2008

    I problem access accesing the database on Windows 7 beta running SQL Server 2008. AFter fooling around, I finally get around the problem by disabling all Firewall on the Windows 7 beta.


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