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Messing with Portfolio 8.5

I just found that if Portfolio 8.5 attempted to convert a photo catalog from previous version but FAILED, it may CORRUPTED the old catalog and made the file unreadable by both the old and new vesrion of Portfolio. Horrible indeed, but luckily I always have a back up, so it's not the end of the world.

Still, I was pretty puzzled by the fact that the catalog was being opened by 7.0 with no problem at all.

Anyway, to overcome that issue, I am doing something like this now: open the old catalog WITHOUT converting it. The catalog will be opened properly. Next I created a NEW 8.5 empty catalog. And finally I drag all the items from the old catalog to the new catalog. This catalog takes A LOT OF TIME, and as of now, after running for a while, only 2% got converted, and I won't be surprise that it may actually take DAYS to complete. Anyway, I am heading to bed now, and let crazy thing run itself ... til it's done.


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