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Sightly better way to manage video with iTune (and iPod)

Even thought I still couldn't find a simply way to keep the video type(Music Video, TV Show, or Movie) info stays in the MP4 file, at least I find a way to add TV Show video to my iPod while I was not with my main computer (which my iPod was synced with). This actually is much bigger a problem since by default all video are treated as movie, and I have to manually add the "Show" name and set the video type to "TV Show". And even after all that I have to drag and drop the file from the local iTune Library to my iPod since I was doing manual sync at work.

The good thing is that the video type and the meta data was preserved when I drag and drop files from iTune Library to my iPod. The files showed up in TV Show section instead of the generic movie section. But then when I get back home my home iTune will yep and trying to erase what I manual synced in the office.

One tool that almost work for me to ease my pain was Change Video Info v.1.0. It works fine when I only mess with meta data. But when I tried to change video type it gave me an error. Ironically, one of the file in the list was actually got processed. So if I keep pressing process, eventually I will get all items in Movie category to get processed. It's just ... strange though.


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