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Finally proved that my USB Bluetooth dongle is not junk

Finally I got the Bluetooth dongle doing something more than just sitting in my computer sucking power: I got the wireless Pocket PC Active Sync working.

Some preparation tidbit.
- First, DEFINITELY DO NOT install the BlueSoleil software that comes with my lowend Bluetooth USB dongle. I installed it and next thing I knew it hanged up my machine because it conflicted with the Bluetooth support that comes with Windows XP Service Pack 2. I think that software should solely be used by any OS previous WinXP SP2
- For this pairing to work (and then the ActiveSync) You DO NOT NEED to turn on the Bluetooth Explorable feature on your PC. Just leave the box unchecked.
- You can save yourself some troubles by turning off "Allow USB Connections" support on ActiveSync connection by going to ActiveSync screen, select [File][Connection Setting...], and check off the "Allow USB connection". Not only that the machine does not bug me when my connect to USB cable to the PPC just for the sake of charing my PPC, it also make sure that the ActiveSync is done through means other than USB conenction.
- You need to first pair up your PC with your Pocket PC.

Here's what I did:
- In the Bluetooth device control panel of your PC, select the tab "COM Port". Find the INCOMING PORT of your machine. In my case, it was COM4.
- Go to ActiveSync screen, select [File][Connection Setting...]. Check the "Allow Connections to one of the following" check box, and select the COM port you wrote down in the previous step. In my case, it was COM4.
- Now go to your Pocket PC, turn on Bluetooth, and select Bluetooth Connection Wizard. Select [ActiveSunc via Bluetooth].
- The Wizard will guide you thru, but basically you also done step 1 and 2, so proceed by clicking [Next]. Now select the machine showing up on the screen (which should be there since you already paired up with your PC), and then the machine you want to sync with.
- The connection profile should be created, and showing up on the screen as an icon.
- Tab that icon to start ActiveSync.

That's all.