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Seems like my regular x50v battery is going ... down

I am not sure if it's just my imagination of what, but it seems like the battery life of my regular DEll X50v battery is getting lower and lower these days. Well, I am not too worry as I still have my extended x50v battery. I was just suprise that the life span of the regular battery seems to be much shorter than I expected.

By the way, after using for several months, I can report that my x50v system is more stabler ever since I updated the version of WinBar Advance to version . I also found iLauncher 2.3.07 a really good Launcher, allowing me to have a much better user experience with my x50v. On the top of that, I was also pleased by the new .Net Compact Framework 2.0 SP1 as it support installing on non-main-memory places. That is critical to x50v since it doesn't have much main memory. So basically I can live with my x50v for quite a while until a really really really good Ultimate Portable PC arrive 3 years later, if the product line has not been cancelled that is.