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NDSPatch - Now I get it

I finally got NDSPatch running right. It's actually very easy.

And based on the forum, there are pretty fair among of games that have the game saved in SRAM, and I can easily put those SRAM in CF card by using the SuperCard Saver feature. I turned the following games:

- 0091 - Nintendo
- 0061 - Bomberman (U)
- 0080 - NanoStray (U)

And all three seems to work great. I was particularly surprise that the 0091 Nintendog works because it suppose to use 2Mb save.

The use NDSPatch properly:
1. Drag your clean ROM to the NDSPatch exe. A new .gba extension of the converted file will be created.
2. REMOVE the .gba extension.
3. Create a .sav file (or copy from old ones) with the EXACT save name as the game. So if the game is hello.nds, then the save will be hello.sav .
4. Well, start play! When you need to save, just turn off and instantly turn on the machine. Use the SuperCard save feature.
5. Next time when you turn on NDS and play those NDSPatched ROMs, the game will AUTOMATICALLY pick up the .sav from the CF card! Isn't it awesome?

I love the fact that I don't need to load a fake GBA file for loading save game!

Not all game works with NDSPatch though, so I guess I need to keep reading the forum or try it out myself.


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