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I am always obsense at Tablet computing. My ideal world doesn't not have paper, but only Tablet computers for me to read, write, capture and manipulate information whenever and wherever I go. I got part of my dream accomplished by the Sony Clie, but the screen is not big enough and the processing power if not fast enough to handle some of the activites that I want to throw at it, like putting a eBook in it.

Microsoft's tablet PC gave me som hope, but I see the following problems so far:

- Poor screen with not big enough viewable angle.
- Heavy in weight
- Poor battery life

Besides the technological concern, I have the following concern:

- The more device you have, the more time, money and energy you have to spend of maintaining those items.
- The heat generated by Tablet PC makes it uncomfortable to carry around for long hours.

Still, I am keeping my eyes close to the market. Once their a reasonable product release, I will buy it.

And you probably realize that I didn't mention high price. Yes, I realize that these gadgets are expansive, and for the benefit it provides, I think it's worth the price.

IN the meantime, check out this website, which has a lot of useful information about Tablet PC:


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