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Google Cardboard: definitely a worthy experience

Let me start with conclusion: even though the DoDoCaseVR kit I brought has some serious flaw, I still have no regret getting it from Barnes and Nobles for US$22.  It's a fun experiment and it allows me to experience the future.

So the biggest problem of the DoDoCaseVR kit (1.2) was that capacity touch mechanism.  The paper plus wood stick plus magnetic plastic shit thing button mechanism was a pain to use.  The result was hit and miss, make the VR experience very frustrating because nothing guarantees that the press on the wood lever will cause a button press.  A lot of interactive VR app RELIES on that button tap as the main way to interact with the application.  However, I eventually fixed the problem in a very low tech way thanks to the low tech card board structure: I cut a hold at the bottom of the case, and with that I can use my finger to tap on the screen.  I also need to remove that wooden stick and the magnetic plastic sheet.  But now have a very reliable way to touch on the screen every single time.

VR apps are also ultra battery sucker.  So I won't run them while I am on the road.  But when I am at home, it's fun to mess with it.

I tried a few app, and so far very impressed by the app Chair in a Room and Vanguard VR.  Let me keep trying other apps.


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