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Setting up Windows 8 as home server

Since I have a pretty well planned procedure to set up the home server, the process was relatively smooth.  Still, I had the following experience that is worthy to written down:

  • I did a Windows 8 Pro installation on the top of the Windows 8 Release Preview, and found that even though I can't preserve all the installed apps, at least I can preserve some basic setting, like drive mapping, machine name and such.  Still, be prepare to reinstall everything.
  • My first installed was failed because the system hanged up as the USB keyboard and mouse failed to work.  I didn't the install again and found that same problem.  Then I realized that it's the Z drive USB drive holding stuff up.  Restart that harddisk and everything go smooth since then.
  • Google Drive failed if I don't have the Z drive ready after bootup, so I need to make sure that won't happen.
  • SplashTop Windows 8 edition service running on Windows 8 causing problem with XBox Extender setup, causing the set up to fail at the very last step (reconnect to EXtender).  I will to uninstall that Slapshtop desktop service to solve the Windows Media Center Extender problem.
  • When installing Air Video Server (for use with Air Video on iPad), I found out that the installation process for installing Java didn't work well.  So I had to install Java separately, and then run Air Video Server.
  • When setting up audiogalaxy service, make sure you run the installation as administrator.
  • Blinq Photo Server requires .Net framework 2.0.  So I had to use "Turn Windows FEature On or Off" to turn on Dot Net Framework 3.5.1 (which comes with 2.0)


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