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Messing with Windows 8 Music Library

The journey started when I opened Windows 8 Music (Metro) App, and I saw the sentence "It's lonely here", saying that there's no song in the music library on the Windows 8 machine.  I was puzzled, because I indeed added a whole darn folder of music (like 100Gb+) in the "music" library on that machine.  How come it said it has nothing in it?  So I launched Windows Media Player, and ALSO FOUND that songs are not showing up UNTIL I do the following:

- Right click on "Music" in Windows Media PLayer
- Select "Manage Music Library".  In the window my see the folder that I already added.  Click [OK].

Interesting enough, once I closed, the the "Updating media library" started happening.  And I started to see songs showing up on Windows Media player.  BUT when I switched to Music metro app, still nothing.

Since I am not particular interest in using Metro to listen to music.  I'll just let it slide for now, and forget about it.


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