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Use home machine as remote file sever? Not ready yet

The moment I realized that I could use ZumoCast to serve manga file to my iPad and then open that manga in ComicsZeal, I immediate dreamed of a scenario in which I left most of my manga files at home on the server, and when I need to read something, I just downloaded them on demand to my iPad. 

After some test today, that dream was shattered because of one critical reason: the current downstream of my home broadband connection is terrible.  Based on my test, I can only get at most 40K/s when streaming something from home. 

So using Zumcost to transfer video is pretty much not possible.  For small amount of file transfer, like a 11Mb manga will take like 20 minutes.  But at least not impossible.

On the other hand, if I am willing to lower the quality to 3G, like 112kbit/s, then using Orb to watch my video stuff storing at home still seem feasible.  In fact I pushed to 168Kbit/s (the upper max for the "3G" setting in Orb iPad Client) and the result seems ok.  Anything higher, though, seems like a disaster.


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