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Still being tortured by the EeePC

This round of torture is mostly related to plugging in the AC adapter.

  • Plug, unplug power crashes the machine.
  • Removing the eeeutil, eeetray and eee ACSI does NOT solve the power problem. Worst of all, even going to
  • standby mode when I plug or unplug AC Power won't work as it will hold up the machine. So eventually I have to TURN OFF the machine.
  • PLUGGING while in stand by ALWAYS cause trobule, but UNPLUGGING in AC while in standby seems OK.
  • After crash, need to boot into save mode first, and then reboot so that there not left over crap at bootup.
  • When in standby mode, plugging the power cable doesn't even trigger the battery indicator to turn on!! (Later on I realize that maybe it's because the battery level was perviously not low enough.)
  • Maybe I found a better way to deal with the battery charger plug problem: only plug it the battery charge when the machine is in standby mode. Unplug it because using, and I GUESS it should be fine.
  • EeeUtil (that util that allows you to tune screen brightness and stuff) still crash the system at the start up. So I have to deable it.
  • EeeACSI also seems to crash at boot up. So I s
  • Forget about added User level security on BIOS, even after I turned it to [ALWAYS], when waking up from StandBy, it still does not prompt me for password. I better set password on OS too. I also cleared my BIOS password cause they are useless.

By the way:
  • Waking up from Hibernation still got the machine crashed. Use Standby instead.
  • For using [ESC] during startup, don't hold it, but instead keep tapping it until the bootup screen shows.


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