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Strange airbrush problem with Artrage 2.5

I was pretty happy with Artrage 2.5 except the Airbrush feature. Somehow it didn't work with the stylus pressing on the screen, but worked when I press the mouse button. So I have to leave the stylus slightly in the air and press the mouse button. The feeling is actually pretty for it really feels like I am airbrushing something. Maybe that's the intent (I haven't read the manual yet and probably never will :-E ).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there.
If you're using a Lenovo tablet PC (or similar) there is a known bug with ArtRage and the airbrush and glitter tools. This will be fixed in an upcoming patch to ArtRage 2.5
Sorry for the inconvenience. We're discovering that every hardware manufacturer interprets 'standards' slightly differenty!

6:11 AM


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