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iTune and iPod struggling : messed up font size

Yesterday while I was trying to sync a bunch of songs to my iPod, I found out that the font size of some artist name was messed up. Most of them became the smaller size just like the size of the Chinese font in lyrics page. And then I synced again and this time it's slightly fixed, but I still got some of the problem like this:

As you can see, the artist name which supposed to be smaller now becomes the same size as the song title.

For instance, when you see the English band name "Beyond", the size is smaller than the song time "Please take off your hands", which is correct. HOwever you can see that at the top, the song name is the same size as the song artist. The middle two was even worse as some characters are big while some are small.

There were at least one person have the same problem as I do. Unfortunately, there's no solution posted online yet.


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