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Strange experiment on my DVD Recorder

I am trying a strange experiment with my DVDRecorder and see if it help:

First, not putting any disc on LiteOn.
Then, select 2x speed.
Then, click start burn.
When Nero 7 asked for a DVD Disc, put in the Sky 8x.

The result? It creates Disc that can be readable by my office NEC CD ROM, which to me is a pretty good improvement because previous the LiteOn burned stuff that cannot be read by the others.

However, the LG drive still doesn't with the 8x discs no matter what trick I try. So seems like the LG drive will be preserved for buring 4x disc only, and I have to use 2x to burn DVD on the LiteOn drive.

Oh, and skip the verification. I need to test copying on the LG Drive anyway.

I also need to check and see if the eBlue 8x disc also works.


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