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Tried out SuperCard Firmware 1.52, and seriously loving it

The SuperCard Firmware 1.52 is so amazing! I can use it to play a lot of games that previously cannot be played. It also allows me to have backups on Nintendog that I raise. Totally awesome.

Some testing and observation:

- A ROM needs to have a .sav file (by default 256K in size created by the SuperCard app) with the same name in the same directory. Otherwise the save game won't be saved! No .sav file will be automatically created. So beware.

- Some (like 80%) of the .sav (4K or 64K ones) create by the previous version (1.50) can be recognized by the new 1.52 converted ROM. Some, however, doesn't work. For instance, Mario DS cannot recognize the old save. BUt then most of the others do.

- There's a slightly among of load time between scene. But they are mostly unrecognizable.

- Nintendog seems to work pretty work with 1.52.

- The SuperCard app created all save file (.sav) with the same 256K size. Wonder why.

That's all for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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