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Mystery solved - How to split DVD video file by Chapter

Yeah! I finally solved something that puzzled me for a while: finding a way to split DVD video as .VOB file by chapter so that AutoGK can convert each chapter as a single .avi file. The solution lies on the DVD Decrypter.

Here the steps:
- Set the [Mode] to IFO. That makes it easier to select individual chapter if you need to.
- Go to [Tools][Setting], click IFO Mode. BY default it's 1Gb. You need to set it to "By Chapter".
- Basically tha's it. Now select the destination folder, and hit the [DVD to HD] button to get the video.
- Then fire up AutoGK, select each .vob file and add it to the batch. Don't forget to restrict the file size to somthing smaller, say 200Mb or even lower.

I also find that the DVD mode on AutoGK actually work if, instead of selecting the root of the DVD, I select the VideoVS folder. But I still find it better to add individual .vob file to my batch.