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The dark side of MobiNote’s DVX-POD 7010

Besides Rollei es1020G, MobiNote’s DVX-POD 7010 was something that I considered a good candidate of a PVP to be brought. That is just I read this review:

Seems like DVX-POD made the same mistake of so many gadgets: rushing to the market without completely tested the machine. In fact, the biggest flaw of the device is that users have hard time converting videos to watch on the device. What good a PVP is if I cannot make materials to watch on the device? There’s no way I will use it simply to record video from video in and then playing back from the same device.

Of course, with future firmware update, all these can be changed. And I am waiting to see the real product showing up at stores in Hong Kong. Sometimes actually seeing and touching it makes a big different on the decision of purchase the right hardware gear.