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Messing with audio setup, so that I can enjoy everything on my bed

I was messing with all sort of cable this morning, trying to find the best setup so that I can enjoy music from my iTune library while I am on my bed. And then I realized something:

  • Whenever aduio (notice that it's an anlalogue signal through a 3.5mm cable) route through my JVC amprefier, I will get crazy hizzing noise. The ONLY way I can get rid of the hissing noise is by directly connect to the headphone jack through an ultra long extension cable. So that's what I did. Now I have 2 audio connectors next to my bed, one for audio signal from TV, and the other one directly from the notebook, mainly for listening to iTune music.

  • Even with a direct link to the headphone port, I still got a little bit noise once in a long while, but that's something genearted by the computer, and not something can do by manipulating the analogue chain. In fact, that kind of noise seems to be application dependent. I heard different kind of noise when switching from application to application.

  • I still have to deal with the fact that the a slightly move of the headphone splitter may mess up my music listening experience. It's not the end of the world but still it's a bit irritating.
In fact, now that I think about it, maybe it's better to enjoy music from the iTune library using my netbook instead. The audio experience seem superior.


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