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iPod Classics 80Gb with cheesy speaker: works surprisingly well

I have one of those chesy speaker left over from the eMachine I brought 10+ years ago. It was one of those speaker that doesn't require any external power, and instead using the power drawn from the audio device that it hook up to (through headphone jack) to driver the speaker. I was not expecting anything from it, and simply left that pair of speaker in the restroom in case I need to play some music using mp3 player.

To my surprise when I hooked it up to my iPod Classics 80Gb before I took a shower, and found that the sound from the speaker was actually loud enough for me to hear it while I was showering. And for that I think I need to give credit to my iPod Classics 80Gb because it's the power it provides to make the loud volume possible. Nice, Apple.


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