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Window shopping at Golden Computer Center

Well, it's my semi-routine window shopping at Golden Computer Center. Here's some of the found:

- A USB (1.1) to 100BaseT Ethernet converter (or actaully a USB based Ethernet interface) cost HK$49 in one of located at the ground floor , while the exact same generic thing cost about HK$69 or even HK$79 in some other store. Go figure. It looks too chessy though, and I have hard time believe that it will work consistantly.

- Dual layer DVD+R disc is still selling at Hk$20.

- 4Gb CF 50x Kingston card is selling at HK$875, while the slow blue color Toshiba SD card is selling at Hk$305 for 2Gb.

- People started to buy PSP again (unlike during the last whole month which people mostly buy NDSLite with SuperCard). I wonder if there's any must buy game and caused them to do so.

That's pretty much what I care.


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