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Pinoreer DVR-111 cannot read something written NEC !?

Something sort of shocked me this morning. I found out that a Sky 8X DVD+R disc burned in my office's NEC DVD Recorder (probably at 4x) was NOT readable in my DVR-111 DVD Recorder at home. I was sort of in a panic. Luckily the LE DVD Rom drive was able to read it. So I made another burn in the office using a Sky 4X DVD-R disc burned at 2x, and see if my DVR-111 can read it without problem.

There are also several factor going on this morning, though, and may cause the unreadable disc event happening:
- AVG Antivirus scanning seemed to be running at the background.
- VMWare 5 is running potential affect the DVD-Rom reading
- VMWare is running a intensive 3D Studio Max 8 installation.

We'll see.


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