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The movie "Open Reason"

My one line movie review for the movie "Open Season" would be: Great technology showcase, not so great in story and some voice acting problem.

I have nearly zero background knowledge before I started watching the movie, so when I heard the voice acting of the bear, I was like "man, the voice acting was kind of lame". And then later I realized that the bear was voice acted by Martin Lawrence. No wonder.

But I think the biggest problem is the story. It's too Hollywood formula. Enough said.

On the other hand, the movie is a great technology showcase. The environment was beautifully rendered and created. All the millions of furs and water and organic things that kinds waving and waving, and as a geek I instantly noticed how much CPU power was thrown at rendering all these.

Conclusion: worth rental, but I am definitely glad that I didn't see it in theater.